Data and Maps

An Open Urban Data Guide for Geospatial Analytics in Michigan

Data Guide Link; Database Link

This data guide is an informal effort as Xiaofan learn and explore the data landscape in Michigan for her research and teaching. It is designed for students, researchers, and interested citizens who are looking for open (free) urban data, that can be mapped or used in urban or geospatial analytics, with a particular focus in Michigan contexts. This data guide features a tabular database and a user guide.

Intercity Connectivity and Innovation

Public Data Link; Interactive Map Link; Academic Paper Link

This publicly available dataset shares cities’ socioeconomic attributes (e.g. population, GDP, education) and network attributes from social media, mobility, and scientific collaboration networks in both China and the U.S. The spatial unit is municipal city in China, and Metropolitan Statistical Area in the U.S.

Measuring McCities: Landscapes of Chain and Independent Restaurants in the United States

Public Data Link; Interactive Map Link; Academic Paper Link

This publicly available dataset publishes average frequency, percent chain, and total number of restaurants on the county, urban area, and metropolitan statistical area level. Point-level data are available based on collaboration requests.