
🔈 I announced a rolling opportunity for advanced students to submit project proposals on the research theme of network duality. Please see details at Work with Me (June 25th).

🔈 I gave a guest lecture at Monash University, Indonesia (June 20th).

🔈 Four research assistants who worked with me in Winter 2024 presented their work as posters at Taubman Research Day! I am proud of you all! (April 18th).

📄 My new paper titled Intercity Connectivity and Urban Innovation is published in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems! This paper takes FIVE years to publiation, involves collaborators from TRHEE continents, and processed millions of data for SIX intercity networks to understand the relationship between intercity connectivity and innovation. An interactive network data dashboard is available for exploration and data can be downloaded (March 1st).

🔈 I gave a talk titled Beyond Nodes and Edges: Integrating Spatial Contexts into Urban Network Science at UMich Center for the Study of Complex Systems on March 26th. Recording is available here. (March 1st)